The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) publishes RPI Rankings beginning with the 50 percent date of each season.
FALL: approximately September 25, 2023
WINTER: approximately January 8, 2024
SPRING: approximately April 8, 2024
VIEW “The Parent Seat” video series has been designed for coaches and athletic directors to use during their pre-season parent meetings. It explains the role of a parent during game day and provides suggestions on how they can cope with the roller coaster of emotions that they will feel. Â
Welcome to the North Puget Sound League website, where you will find official information for the NPSL. If you have questions, please contact League President, Rob Swaim (rswaim@auburn.wednet).
All Together– Putting the Spirit of Sportsmanship in Action FUNDAMENTALS Everyone needs to do their part Show respect for the opponent at all times The opponent should be treated as a guest. Good sportsmanship is the Golden Role in action. Show respect for the officials The officials should be recognized...